If You Cannot Comment on This Blog – Here Is Why

As many of you know, we have been dealing with ongoing botnet issues all year long. Most of the botnet problems have now been blocked as well as they can be but we’re still being hammered in one area: blog comment spam. One of the protections we have put in place is the Stop Forum Spammers plugin, which as hundreds of you found out this year blocks people for various reasons. I say “hundreds” because I am scanning the White List Requests and see hundreds and hundreds of them going back a few months. I apologize for not getting into the list sooner but I’ve had to devote a lot of time to working on other parts of the problem. Working backward from the most recent requests I am white listing some of the people who seem to be okay. But I will only do this for a few people as I don’t have time to go through the entire list. I will then clear the requests file and start over. We believe the SFS plugin may be the reason why the server crashes every morning. Spammers schedule their scripts for certain times of the day (well, some spammers do). […]
SEO Theory

If You Cannot Comment on This Blog – Here Is Why
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