JewGlass Gets Wide International Coverage

jewglass jewish star As you may have seen, we officially announced the launch of JewGlass, our first Google Glass app for Jews, this past week. The response has been a huge success.

While there are very few Google Glass owners in the world and even fewer orthodox Jewish Google Glass owners, the concept behind JewGlass was so big that the press and world ate it up.

The JTA, Jewish Telegraph Agency was the first to cover it on July 30th, and several news outlets syndicated that story. Then picked it up shortly later and did the first comprehensive story on the app. Then the Jerusalem Post covered it on August 7th, when it officially went live, and it took off from there. The Drudge Report noticed it and linked to the story and then dozens, if not hundreds of other outlets picked it up.

Here is a radio interview I did with a popular Jewish network named Nachum Segal Network with Randi Wartelsky, they recorded it on video, so it looks a bit weird but here is the video:

Video streaming by Ustream

The 404 covered it on their Podcast, skip to 18 minutes and 20 seconds in, it is incredibly funny:

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