SMX Stockholm 2013 – Google Analytics for SEO

This morning I had the pleasure of coming back to SMX Stockholm for a second year, this time to join a session on Google Analytics for SEO alongside Nikki Rae.  Instead of running through Analytics from purely a reporting perspective, I decided to give the topic a little twist and focus more on how to get specific actions points that you can inject directly into your SEO campaign.

To get this across, I focused on four questions – and for each one looked at how you can use GA data to make more informed decisions on exactly where your time and effort should fall:

  • What areas of my site are working harder than others?

  • How can I improve my site structure?

  • What content are people talking about?

  • Is my link building really working?

Huge thanks to SMX for having me, and also to John Myers for moderating!

Google Analytics for SEO from MRJonQ


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SMX Stockholm 2013 – Google Analytics for SEO
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