Just received an e-mail from BlogRush letting me know that I collaborated and worked to increase my account, for two months now, for nothing, and that Seopedia is not good enough for this crap network.
The mail souns like :
We regret to inform you that your BlogRush Account Is Currently INACTIVE.
Your blog(s) did not pass our Quality Review criteria. You will find instructions below for making your account active again.
You will notice that the widget no longer loads on your pages — please remove the BlogRush code from your blog for now.
We recently reviewed your blog(s) located at:
We determined that your blog did not meet our strict quality guidelines. Please do not take this personally, but realize that we must abide by a very strict set of quality guidelines. (They are listed below.)
If you feel you have made the necessary changes to your blog(s) to meet our guidelines, you can resubmit your blog(s) for review after this date:
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The quality guidelines are :
BlogRush Quality Guidelines:
- The blog contains unique, quality content that provides opinions, insights, and/or recommended resources that provide value to readers of the blog. Articles, videos, public domain works, press releases, and content written by others are okay to be used on the blog, but the ratio of unique content should far outweigh content from other sources.
- The blog should be updated on a regular basis (at least several times a month) and should not just go a few months between posts.
- The blog should already contain at least 10-12 quality posts. New blogs with very little content will not be accepted.
- The blog’s primary contain must be in English. BlogRush is currently not available for non-English blogs.
- The blog should not contain an excessive amount of advertising and links and very little actual content. The focus of the blog should be quality content.
- The primary content of the blog should not be “scraped” content from other sources and/or script-generated pages for the sole purpose of search engine rank manipulation. The focus of the blog should be quality content.
- The blog’s content (or advertising) should not contain any of the following types of content: hate, anti-racial, terrorism, drug-related, hacking, phishing, fraud, pornographic, nudity, warez, gambling, copyright infringement, obscene or disgusting material of any kind, or anything considered illegal.
So if Seopedia is not within these guidelines, which blog is ?
I had more then 30 referrals, more then 50.000 credits.
John Reese, you have developed a crappy product with a crappy team. Nevermind waiting 30 days for a product that’s not finished right ?
Important PS: An anomymous tipper just sent me this e-mail that John Reese has sent to a LOT of guys. So the people that edit the quality guidelines of BLogrush are “a bunch of people that would like to earn some extra cash”. Way to go Reese:
Just got an email from good ole john reese he wants to pay you 12 bucks an hour to wipe blogrushes arse hahahahahahahah
I’m looking to hire several people that want to make some quick cash. (Read on for all the details.)
As you probably know by now, Income.com launched it’s first major ‘network’ piece two weeks ago…
In only its first two weeks, BlogRush has been extremely successful. But it has also been quite challenging.
We experienced a few problems that we are working to solve as quickly as possible.One of these problems was having users add spammy or low quality blogs to our network — and we also had many users ignore our “English blogs only”
warning and submit foreign blogs as well.We are moving to a 100% Manual Review Process for all the current blogs in our network and any new blogs from here on out.
We are very serious about protecting the INTEGRITY and QUALITY of our network.
Because of this… WE NEED HELP!
We’re looking to hire a bunch of people that would like to earn some extra cash. If you or someone you know might be interested, please forward this message to them. This would be perfect for a stay-at-home mom, college student, or anyone else looking to make some extra money.
All that’s required is sitting in front of their computer and doing the following…
Login to our Review System with an account we will setup for them. There will be a top “frame” control strip that has a few buttons:
“Approve” “Reject” and “Not Sure.”
The bottom frame will automatically load a blog that needs to be reviewed. After reviewing the blog, just press the appropriate button. That’s it.
* We have created a little training video to teach reviewers what to look for and how to decide what gets approved or rejected. It’s very simple.
After pushing one of the buttons the next blog to be reviewed automatically loads in that bottom frame. It’s as simple as that.
Here’s The Deal…
We’re paying USD $ 12.00/hour for this review work. It’s not a fortune, but it’s a pretty simple task. Heck, just put on some music and sit back and review some blogs. Pretty easy work.
* All reviewers will be paid DAILY via PayPal for that day’s work. All reviewers will also be independent contractors and responsible for their own taxes, etc. PayPal payments will be made via the “Mass Pay” function so reviewers will not have any fees taken out of their earnings – we will pay for all transaction fees.
We will have several hours of work for
each new reviewer initially. Those that
do a good job will be given the opportunity for ongoing work — as we will be reviewing new blogs everyday.* The best reviewers will probably also
receive some of our products as an
additional bonus for a job well done.** Special Note: We are looking to
hire some of our own customers
or email subscribers, ideally. We
are not interested in outsourcing
this work to some low wage workers
in a foreign country. This work
is to be done by applicants
only — NOT by those brokering
the work to others.Here Are The Requirements:
1. Must have a broadband (fast)
Internet connection. i.e. cable modem,
DSL, etc.2. Must already know what a blog
is and what a typical blog looks like.3. Must know the difference in a
quality blog and one that was solely
created to try and game the search
engines and/or just run a bunch of
ads — and/or what a “scraper”
blog is that contains no original
content and simply uses content
taken from other sites with some
sort of software program.* Our training video gives guidelines
and tips for determining what is a
quality blog and what should be
rejected from our network — including
examples of “good” and “bad” blogs.4. Must be able to start IMMEDIATELY.
(As in TODAY, if possible.) And be
able to put in at least 2-3 hours a day.5. Must have an active PayPal account.
If you or someone you know meets
all of these requirements and is interested here’s what to do next:Send An Email To:
Use Subject Line: “Ready To Start Reviewing!”
and include the following:- Full Name
– Email Address
– Phone Number
– Location (City, State, Country, etc.)
– Estimate Of Work Availability
(i.e. how many hours a day you can work.)
– Brief Description Of Why You Would
Make A Good Blog Reviewer
– Blog URL (if you have a blog.)That’s it!
If we accept your email application we
will be immediately emailing you the
full instructions so you can get started ASAP.* Due to the heavy volume of requests
we expect to receive, we may not be able to respond to every application. If you do not receive an email reply within
24 hours then we have probably decided
not to use you at this time. We will keep your application on file and may reconsider you at another time.
(Thanks for your understanding.)More News Coming Soon!
Yours For Online Profits,
John Reese
from WordPress http://www.reparacalculator.com/blogrush-is-a-scam/