Special Sale For 5th Birthday Of iOS Siddur

servicii seoTomorrow Today (Sunday), August 4th, is the fifth birthday of our iPhone Siddur and we wanted to run a special and very very rare sale for those who have not yet had the opportunity to give our Siddur a try. We are running, for today (August 4th) ONLY a 50% off sale.

Again, this is a rare sale. Last time we ran a sale like this was on the Siddur’s 3rd birthday – so don’t miss out on this.

On August 4th, go to either the iPhone Siddur page or the Siddur HD for iPad page and click through to download them for 50% off. So the iPhone Siddur will be $ 5, instead of $ 10 and the Siddur HD will be $ 10, instead of $ 20.

The iPhone Siddur was approved in the Apple App Store on August 4, 2008. It didn’t show up in the Apple App store until August 6, 2008 but technically it was approved August 4th.

To get the discount, just go to the App Store and download it. We lowered the price only for August 4, 2013. At midnight, the price goes back up to it’s original price for both apps. Make sure to tell your friends of the discount!

Thank you so much for all your feedback and help in making this app the best digital siddur in the world.

Source: Special Sale For 5th Birthday Of iOS Siddur at RustyBrick.servicii seo

RustyBrick, Inc. – Blog

from WordPress http://www.reparacalculator.com/special-sale-for-5th-birthday-of-ios-siddur/

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