8 SEO Tips for Higher Search Engine Ranking…

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8 SEO Tips for Higher Search Engine Ranking…

The internet is the single greatest way to gain exposure for any project, idea or business you want to promote. Your website can put you in front of anyone in the world. The hard part is if someone types in a search for your niche, if you are not ranked decently, they won’t find you unless they have your specific website address. Even with the name of your website, the search could return other sites before yours. The world wide web is saturated with websites and if you want to stand out from the crowd you need to have a plan.

If you want to pay a search engine like Google or Yahoo!, you can get seen. Google AdWords and Yahoo Marketing are effective, but can be cost prohibitive. The goal to strive for is to have your website show up naturally on the first page of a search. Here are 8 steps that will help you achieve that goal.

1. Put together a list of keywords and long tail key word phrases of 3-5 words. For example if you have a rock band, you could use words that describe your music or performance style. Phrases you could use are something like… wedding band for hire, rock band for hire, etc. Use terms and phrases specific to your niche. This will aid SEO.

2. Fill your website with all original content. Search engines don’t like copied content. Write your own keyword rich content.

3. When using your keywords (from step 1), use them on several pages of content. The more pages the better. It’s better to have 500 pages with one keyword than 1 page with 500 keywords.

4. Know who your potential market is and focus your writing on them. Write interesting and helpful information because if it’s valuable to them, they will be back!

5. Add new content often, daily if possible. By blogging on your subject in the form of articles, diary or interviews, you can keep it fresh so people will come back again and again to see what you have for them to peak their interests. You can even do polls or RSS feeds.

6. Maintain your site for a long time. The older your site is, the better it will rank.

7. Use social media to drive traffic to your site. Put links to your articles on Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler etc. Join groups and forums that match interests with your website then comment on other peoples posts. Make sure that you have a link to your website in your profile and people will click through to your site when they read your profile. Some sites that have the option for you to “like” or bump a post will create a back-link to your site just from your profile link as well. Be careful not to get too “spammy” with your posts in these places because that is frowned upon.

8. Submit your site to search engines monthly. There are a lot of search engine submission websites out there that are free if funds are tight. Simply do a search for “search engine submissions” and you will have plenty to choose from.

The never-ending quest to dominate the SEO factor will pay off eventually. The longer your site is up and active, and the more original content you add, the higher you will see your site rank. Plan your schedule to make this happen! It doesn’t happen overnight, but if you are adding valuable original content regularly and following the 8 steps mentioned above, you will see the fruits of your labor in a Search Engine Optimization bounty!

Source by JD Caton

Dr. IT Services - Data recovery,it support,computer & laptop repair in Kingston upon Thames

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