SEO – The Importance of Sub Pages

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SEO – The Importance of Sub Pages

Many people have the misconception that the main referrer of traffic to your sub pages is the home page.

Acting on this misconception, what people tend to do is fill their home page with all the keywords possible, use that same list of keywords and meta tags on every page, and link people to the relevant page depending on what they’ve come to the website for.

The function of your sub pages is, (or should be), to generate traffic on the search engines directly. Each webpage should have its own keyword focus and not rely on the home page navigation.

When it comes to search engine traffic, your home page is important to help get sub pages indexed on the search engines, and to rank highly usually for the most important keywords – but if you’re focusing on a lot of keywords, which you will be if you do your keyword research correctly, then the majority of your targeted search engine traffic will be directly to that keyword-focused page, rather than to and through your home page.

In pay per click advertising, it’s common to create landing pages for each keyword group, so that people who search for a certain keyword, are taken to a page of information closely matching that keyword or subject. For example, in my fitness website, I have the following landing pages:

  • One for people who are searching for info on building a six-pack.
  • One for people who want to lose weight and gain muscle.
  • One for people who just want to build mass.
  • And another for people who just want to lose fat, etc.

You should think of your sub pages in the same way and create keyword focused landing pages for each one.

Sub Pages Are Really Landing Pages

Create your pages to be specific to the key word / key phrase it is focused on. Not just so this improves your search engine ranking, but also so the information is more relevant to your visitor based on their search. This will result in a higher chance of sales conversion, new member, enquiry or newsletter subscriber.

Source by Kevin John Lewis

Dr. IT Services - Data recovery,it support,computer & laptop repair in Kingston upon Thames
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