SEOs of the 90s Who Are Still Rockin’ It Today!

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SEOs of the 90s Who Are Still Rockin’ It Today!

With great humility (honestly!) I found this about me and thought what a great thing to have — especially as I have a comment but you’re gonna have to scroll down to the bottom of this to see what I have to say.

But a young woman I don’t know – one Julie Graff of Pole Positioning Marketing and here’s how she intro’d this great piece –

“I just went to my 20th high school reunion. 20 years? Seriously? Where has time gone?!?

Like many high school grads/college students, I struggled with the age old question, “What am I going to do with my life?” It’s a question that wouldn’t be fully answered until I was well into my 30’s. But the way I see it, that’s not really my fault. See, when I was considering career options back in the late 90s, SEO and web marketing barely existed. But a number of people were starting to discover it.

It’s those people we pay tribute to in this article: The SEOs who did it before it even had a name. Who gave me an industry to work in. Not only that, but in this “fly-by-night” industry, these SEOs beat the odds and are still active today…”

As you can tell, she means that us — and yes I’m one of these “old SEO practitioners” too, and we’ve been around so long that I would guess that makes us kinda “pioneers” too! I am number 11 on her list and yes, there’s 13 of us and we’re listed alphabetically and yes, I’m so proud to be here too!

Do I know any of the others? I have never met in person (old guy here & my memory is still pretty sharp but I could’a just don’t recall) any of them BUT I’ve read them all, year after year, decade after decade. I am so proud to be on this list — imagine me on the same list as Lee, Kim, Stoney, Bruce and Danny et al! Me! There’s some AWFUL good folks on this list…you should drill down and find their blogs and every single day go and see what they have to say…no better advice in my SEO world is out there, eh!

Anyways, here’s the link to these top 13 SEO practitioners…go…read and enjoy! We’ve been there, done that and have probably for the most part forgotten more than 90% of the rest of the new-to-SEO-practitioners have even heard of or done.

That said, here’s my announcement and it couldn’t come at a better time, eh!

I have retired my SEO practice! I am no longer accepting any new clients and as soon as my current client roster’s contracts are done, I’m giving it all up.

I intend to relax and write, go to Florida or Louisiana for winters and write, Italy beckons and I think I can write up in the Piedmont area and lastly, in case you missed it, I’m done with online marketing for others from now on.

Not for my own writing however but then that’s for me, eh!

This blog will not be updated much more, I’ll be writing over at and if you want me, the area code for the RIM Confederacy is 13!

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