Use Google Local for Improved Local SEO

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Use Google Local for Improved Local SEO

Before understanding how you can use Google Local to improve your local SEO, it’s a good idea to get a grasp on what this is. Google+ Local enables users to find and share places online.

Google uses a five point system which includes getting information based on circles, this means making use of reviews and location. They also get information from published reviews, reviews on your Google+ page and reviews loaded by people who are trusted and known to you. The last step in the five points system is to use Zagat summaries.

As a business that wants to use Google Local to improve local SEO, you have to concentrate on your Google+ circles. You can improve your SEO by being included in circles, this way when someone searches, your posts will show in their results, helping boost visibility, increase website traffic and improve online revenue. Google uses information directly from the Google+ pages, this includes your address, phone number and location, helping them provide the best results to users searching in your local area.

The first step you need to take is to optimise your Google+ page. This means filling in your information accurately, sharing posts with your local industry and ensuring that you verify your details, this means your e-mail address and website.

The new Google algorithms that are affecting local searches have certain criteria which must be met in order to enjoy high rankings in local search results. As a business owner, this means ensuring your website is optimised to meet local searches. There are so many things you can do to increase your chances of being noticed when people search for products and services in your local area.

The first thing you need to do is to research your keywords. Remember to include long and short tail keywords, ensuring your users can find you with ease. When choosing the longer tail keywords, ensure you include some local information; this may be your town, city or village. An example would be if you are selling SEO services, your keywords may be “SEO” or “SEO services,” when focusing on your longer tail local keywords you may want to include “SEO services in London.”

Next you need to go through your website and your content with a fine tooth comb, ensuring that you optimise your content to meet the Google Local requirements. You want to ensure that anyone arriving on your website knows what area you are in, this ensures the search engine crawlers can also identify your pages with ease. It also means you are ranked and found when someone searches for products and services in your local area.

The third step to ensuring Google Local is working for your local SEO efforts is to include your company address and contact number on each and every page of the site. Unfortunately having a contact page isn’t enough anymore. Due to the fact that the Google crawlers will be exploring all your webpages, to ensure you achieve good results in local searches, you want your location to be on each and every single page on that site, so all your pages are ranked accordingly.

The most important step in this process is to list your company on Google Local. This increases your exposure and ensures that Google is aware of your website, what you do and who you are, helping you increase your visibility and achieve success in local search results.

The final steps to the process is to get reviews on your Google pages. This is imperative to show that you are reputable company that can be trusted.

Source by John Charles Trace

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