Why Cheap SEO or Link Building Can Hurt Your Website

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Why Cheap SEO or Link Building Can Hurt Your Website

You’ve probably seen SEO or Link Building advertisements that look something like this:

“Google rankings are determined in large part by the number of links pointing back to your website. Therefore, the more link juice you have, the higher your website will be ranked. However, it can be tedious and take hundreds of hours for you or one of your employees to manually submit your site to website directories and blogs. We have great news for you. For only $39.95, we’ll submit your site to more than 1200 different sites (all different domains) giving you instant link juice and popularity in Google’s eyes! You can even choose the keywords you want us to use in the links. Get your website ranked higher now!”

Doesn’t this sound like an amazing deal? Are you envisioning your website hitting the top ten of Google, Yahoo and Bing for your target keywords? For about forty bucks, you can see the profitability of your website skyrocketing, right? WRONG!

These types of deals almost never work. Regardless of how good the marketing hype is, you should avoid using such services or your website could get seriously penalized by the search engines. In fact, in the worst case scenarios, your site may be de-index altogether. Once this happens, it can be near impossible to get your website included again — the opposite of what you are striving for. Here’s why cheap SEO and link building almost always never work.

Problem with Cheap SEO

Cheap SEOs often try to rank sites quickly using link spam, blog network or other manipulative link schemes. Why? Because such links are easily acquired and with the cheap rates they quote, they cannot afford to provide quality link building service, which is often very time consuming and thus costly.

Unfortunately for these SEOs and companies that use them, Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines are continuously honing their system to produce the best search results they can. Why? Because they know that showing spammy, low quality websites on their search engine results page (SERP) will result in poor user experience and in the long run, turn away their regular users. Hence, they pay software engineers and programmers large salaries to root out manipulative SEO tactics including link spam and artificial link schemes. They constantly tinker with their ranking algorithms so they can catch spam and demote or de-index websites that are associated with them. Google, for example, also provide an easy means for web users to report sites engaging in web spam and dubious SEO tactics for their investigation. There is thus a good chance your competitor will report you, if your SEO agency is engaging in such acts.

Through their relentless effort to fight spam, these search engines have over the years significantly improved on their ability to detect untrustworthy sites and link spam. If your backlinks are seen to be coming predominately from such bad neighborhood, your whole website can be at risk of being severely penalized or banned altogether.

Why Do Companies Even Engage in Such SEO Tactics?

Simply because there was a window of time, just several years ago where all you had to do to boost your website’s ranking was to sign a bunch of guest books, leaving a link in your signature or in the text of your message. Then, you could also use link blasting services which put up hundreds or even thousands of links on low quality websites just to trick the search engines. However, such times are gone and these tactic NO LONGER WORK today. Don’t take our word for it; instead Google up on the Panda, Penguin or Exact Match Domain updates and read the stories of business owners paying the price for the errand ways of their SEOs and draw your own conclusion.

Indeed, you will realize that you are much better off building your links slowly and naturally over time or hiring a quality SEO consultant to help you in the process.

Some Tips on Natural Link Building

As a general rule, webmasters are more likely to link to things they like or find useful for their readers. And before they can link to your website, they will have to be aware it exists.

Thus to attract links, you will first need to build a quality website with content that others find useful. Thereafter, you will need to promote it to get into the radar of influential webmasters, bloggers and even the journalist.

You can use social media and customer testimonials to get the news out on your website. Host special events or special promotions and announce these to your customers via email and social media. Thereafter, ask them if they can help spread the word. Write expert articles for other sites that you admire and respect and include a link (but don’t overdo it) back to your site. Take out ads in traditional print media if your budget permits.

If the above is too much effort, you can try approaching people you know (with sites relevant to yours) for links. Think in terms of business contacts or even your industry association. Explore also companies within your industry selling products and services not in direct competition with yours. For example, you if are an SEO consultant, getting a link from a web design company can be useful. When building links to your website, think in terms of the user experience. Does a link from that site to yours add to this experience? If it does not, it is perhaps better to forego that link.

There are many ways to add natural links that really will increase your search engine presence but you will need to be patient. In the meantime, don’t get suckered into linking schemes and cheap SEO as all they will do is hurt your website and business.

Source by Andrew Jit Kwang Koh

Dr. IT Services - Data recovery,it support,computer & laptop repair in Kingston upon Thames

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