Halloween costume for 2013: Silk Road Dread Pirate Roberts

For Halloween 2013 I decided to be the Dread Pirate Roberts from the movie The Princess Bride:

dread pirate roberts1 Silk Roberts Road Pirate Halloween Dread costume 2013

I even grew a slight moustache to help make the character believable:

dread pirate roberts2 Silk Roberts Road Pirate Halloween Dread costume 2013

But to be clear, I wasn’t just any old Dread Pirate Roberts. I decided to be the Silk Road Dread Pirate Roberts. So if you want to buy some Iocaine powder, it’ll cost you five bitcoins:

dread pirate roberts3 Silk Roberts Road Pirate Halloween Dread costume 2013

By the way, I did have a couple Penguin masks and a tuxedo. I thought about doing a Penguin costume, but decided not to. Maybe next year?

Matt Cutts: Gadgets, Google, and SEO

from WordPress http://www.reparacalculator.com/halloween-costume-for-2013-silk-road-dread-pirate-roberts-3/

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