Why I Don’t Follow You Back on Twitter

Do you ever wonder why people don’t follow you back on Twitter? As I was perusing my Twitter accounts a few days ago, I saw some Twitter followers that I know personally, but do not follow back. And before you judge me, know that I am not one of those people who think they are too important to follow back (they do exist.)

Social media is about engagement, so if I know you, but see that you have a profile with no picture, no bio, and you’ve never Tweeted, I am going to assume you aren’t really there to engage, so I won’t follow you back. And a big part of this is because there are limitations on the number of people you can follow, so each connection should be with someone who is engaged in Twitter.

If I don’t know you, but I like what you’re about (based on your bio and/or tweets) I will very likely follow you. If I see that you like to rant and use profanity, there is a good likelihood that I will soon unfollow you. As I engage in social media, I like to connect with those who share my core values which doesn’t include publicly using profanity… unless it’s warranted.

What about you? Do you have rules for following or unfollowing people on Twitter? Let me know in the comments below.

P.S. – Feel free to follow me at @AnthonyKirlew or @oldschoolseo. I look forward to connecting.

OldSchoolSEO – Internet Marketing News by Anthony Kirlew

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