Is This a Google Hummingbird Search Result?

(Obviously ALL Google search results are Hummingbird-impacted, but this one really caught my eye today as being odd. Maybe you agree?)

A couple times a year, I need to share a link with someone to an old article that I wrote here on SBSM:

Dear Small Business Owners: Put Down Your Ranking Reports

The easiest way for me to get that URL is to do a Google search for “put down ranking reports.”

In the past, that query has produced results that are pretty much exclusively SEO-related. I did that search this morning, and got this:

 This Search Result Hummingbird Google

As you can see, it’s an odd mix of football “rankings” that are being broken “down,” a couple journalism-related pages (i.e., US News college “rankings report”) and credit card “rankings” from Consumer “Reports” magazine. Oh, and my article is right there in middle.

That’s one of the strangest Google search results I’ve seen in a while — a total mishmash of mostly unrelated pages that use my query keywords in very different ways.

Take a look at where my four words show up in the top result (a Google News match):

hummingbird 1 This Search Result Hummingbird Google

Here’s the credit card page from Consumer Reports:

hummingbird 2 This Search Result Hummingbird Google

And this one might be the strangest match of all:

hummingbird 3 This Search Result Hummingbird Google

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t spend as much time analyzing Google SERPs now as I did when I was more active in doing hands-on SEO consulting, so I have to ask:

Are these search results weird to anyone but me?

This is a post from Matt McGee’s blog, Small Business Search Marketing.

Is This a Google Hummingbird Search Result?

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 This Search Result Hummingbird Google

Small Business Search Marketing

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